Jeremy Lazarus, President of the A.M.A. (American Medical Association), recently wrote a letter to the Editor at the New York Times in which he discussed that the goal of the AMA of enhancing the quality of medicine, and the civil justice system’s goal of fairness within the system, are not mutually exclusive goals. In his letter, he stated that “America’s patients deserve both.” He goes on to point out that “While the American Medical Association has been a leader in patient safety and quality improvement, the trial bar has opposed even proven reforms to the nation’s broken medical liability system.” The most profound section of Lazarus’ letter it would seem, were the statistics of the malpractice claims. He wrote, “Attempts to regulate health care with excessive lawsuits have failed patients by inviting abuse and inefficiency. According to a Harvard study, 40 percent of medical malpractice claims lack any evidence of either a medical error or patient injury.” Rich & Cartmill is thrilled to represent numerous physicians in this arena, to provide protection and qualified services. The extra precautionary measures that physicians take to avoid being sued take a heavy financial toll on our health care system. Until we rein in our nation’s broken medical liability system, we will continue to see physicians needing more and more coverage, as well as true professional insurance brokerages to handle the situation properly. And that is exactly what we are prepared to do. Call Scott today: 918.809.1461 |
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